In-store card payments

All banks in a single EFT POS terminal

  • Automation of the checkout process.
  • Accepting single and installment payments
  • Processing payments with card, phone, or smartwatch
  • Reducing operational costs
  • Saving time
  • Centralizing all information in one place
One device that can do
it all

Receive single and installment payments from the most popular cards on the market through a single device.

Cash register integration

The invoice amount is automatically transferred to Payten’s payment terminal eliminating human error.

Unique reports

Real-time reports based on the card type and acquiring bank.

Security for the customer

The Payten In-Store Payments system is PCI DSS Level 1 and P2PE (Point-to-Point Encryption) certified.

Merchants current situation:

  • Multiple POS terminals at the point of sale.
  • The employee enters manually the amount into the cash register and the EFT POS terminal.
  • The fiscal receipt is printed both at the cash register and the EFT POS terminal.
  • The cashier selects the EFT POS terminal, inserts the card, enters the number of installments, and manages the transaction.
  • At the end of the day, the cashier enters the card type into the cash register and print the settlement from the EFT POS terminal.

Benefits of the In-Store Payments solution
by Payten:

For Merchants:

  • One single EFT POS payment terminal for single and installment payments for most cards.
  • Integration with the cash register. The amount is entered (or the product is scanned) only at the cash register and automatically transferred to the EFT POS terminal.
  • Receipt and invoice unified. Only one receipt is printed from the fiscal printer.
  • The buyer inserts the card, selects the offered number of installments, and manages the transaction independently.
  • The cashier has a single, automated report that allows viewing the card brand alongside the corresponding acquiring bank.

For end client:

  • Card management autonomy
  • Autonomous handling of installment payments
  • Decrease waiting times at checkout
  • Excellent customers experience

The features of Payten In-Store Payments include:

  • 24/7 technical support services available
  • Integration of the EFT POS terminal with the cash register
  • Real-time transaction risk assessment
  • Acceptance of all major card brands, including Mastercard and Visa
  • Integration of existing loyalty programs
  • Advanced reporting capabilities
  • Marketing messages that can be loaded onto the EFT POS payment terminal
  • Host-to-Host (H2H) connection with major banks in Romania and other geographies.
  • Ability to connect additional banks to the ecosystem upon request.
  • Ability to offer all customers payments in their own currency through Dynamic Currency Converter (DCC).

The Payten In-Store EFT POS

  • Specially designed for retail
  • Allows processing a large number of transactions
  • Intuitive interface and ergonomic design
  • Large screen enables marketing features
  • Premium quality of EFT POS terminals
  • Fully PCI DSS certified solution
  • Fully certified for EMV (chip cards) and contactless with full encryption (NFC)

Reporting through the Payten In-Store Payments Solution

  • Provides general access for viewing transactions in real-time through the online dashboard
  • All transaction information is available at an individual level
  • No need to download reports from the dashboard
  • Generates, exports, and delivers reports in .csv, .txt, or json format, even through the SFTP server, and can be imported into ERP systems